Welcome to the Coffea-Casa Project!

Coffea-casa is a prototype of an analysis facility that provides services for “low latency columnar analysis,” enabling rapid processing of data in a column-wise fashion.

Coffea-casa Analysis Facility (AF) services, based on Dask and Jupyter Notebook technologies, aim to dramatically lower time for analysis and provide an easily-scalable and user-friendly computational environment that will simplify, facilitate, and accelerate the delivery of HEP results.

Prototype of Coffea-casa Analysis Facility

The facility is built on top of a Kubernetes cluster and integrates with dedicated resources, with resources allocated via fair share through the local HTCondor system and Nebraska Tier-2.

Resources allocated for each user at Coffea-casa Analysis Facility


Coffea-casa is a prototype and is currently in active development: if you had noticed a bug or would like to leave us feedback, we invite you to open an issue directly on GitHub: <https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea-casa/issues>